Enhanced IRRDBU00 record filtering using a subsystem

Within RA2002 there is an optional feature, called subsystem
RA20, to trap any generated output by the IBM supplied tool.

A solution to the problem would be the subsystem RA20:
JCL sample (IRRADU00)
//STEPLIB   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=RA2002.V3R7M0.LINKLIB1              
//          DD DISP=SHR,DSN=RA2002.V3R7M0.LINKLIB               
//SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=*                                         
//INDD1    DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.RACFDS                         
//OUTDD     DD 
//          DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=12288)                          
//          DCB=(RECFM=VB,LRECL=12288)                          
//FLTPRINT  DD   SYSOUT=*                                       
//FLTINPUT  DD  *                                               
*OPTIONS    DUMPREC=V,HITS=ONLY                                 
+INCLUDE    COND=(GPBD_RECORD_TYPE,*,*,EQ,0100,AND,             
+INCLUDE    COND=(USDB_RECORD_TYPE,*,*,EQ,0200,AND,             

The same filtering control statements apply here as found under ‚data filtering‘.

The IBM supplied IRRDBU00 generates the necessary output and want to write the data to //OUTDD. By using the defined subsystem RA20, the programs ALS$1000 and ALS$1001 get hold of any PUT(write) to the supplied output file called //OUTDD. ALS$1001 takes over the control and based on the supplied //FLTINPUT control cards, only the matching records will then be written to the file //OUTDDNEW instead. Et Voilà - you got what you really needed.

Naturally the subsystem can be expanded to trap any PUT (not EXCP’s) request for any application. This makes indeed sense for applications like IRRADU00 or IRRDBU00 etc where no decent filtering is made available. There are many other applications on the host where e.g. a DFSORT COPY INCLUDE may not always the most efficient solution.

ALS$1001 has been implemented to demonstrate on how a subsystem could be used to trap output. Normally an installation runs a complete offload of a RACF DB for further processing.

* The subsystem RA20 is a licensed program and must be ordered.